The Spirit of Youth in the Youth Pledge Day

Gama Syahid
18 min readOct 28, 2022

This journal is the continuation of the previous story from one of the programs I follow, The Singapore-Indonesia Youth Leaders Exchange Programme (SIYLEP) 2021–2022 (you can read the previous part here).

In this journal, rather than wrapping up the whole program. I would like to share the whole memorable moment (as far as I could remember), and takeaways during the program.

18 September 2022 (the departure)

In [14.09.2022], Ms. Annisa Eldina as our supervisor during the program sent to us the flight ticket for following SIYLEP. I will take my flight from Soekarno-Hatta Airport (Jakarta) to I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport (Bali). I took the flight with the other delegates that are currently live in Jakarta or currently working in Jakarta. There are at least 7 (seven) delegates, it is Emran Supremawan (delegate from Jakarta), Febiola Rumangkang (delegate from Jawa Barat), Rd. Ibnu Hanif (delegate from Jambi), Akhmad Salafudin (delegate from Kalimantan Tengah), Ahmad Irfai (delegate from Jawa Tengah), Farrell Alzaina Ghozy (delegate from Jawa Timur), and me/I (delegate from Nusa Tenggara Barat).

If you would like to know about my experience, this is for the first time I took my boarding pass through the 3rd Terminal of Soekarno-Hatta airport :`), LOL.

Coz Regularly, I just took the plane through 1st or 2nd Terminal of Soekarno-Hatta, due to my flight being dominantly in the domestic flight. And brought by this case, I just recently realized that the 3rd terminal of Soekarno-Hatta Airport also has services for domestic flights, but only for flagship airlines, like Garuda Indonesia, red plate aircraft owned by the government of the Republic of Indonesia.

The next funny fact, this is for the first time I arrive at Ngurah Rai Airport, realizing that myself is really excited, here we go:

Not only that, but this is also the first time I arrived at the I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport — Bali. Just one word, “So..Excited!” and here we go.. Welcome to Bali.

After recently arriving in Bali, one of my friends during study bachelor's degree in civil engineering just call me and asking any civil projects for them to work in, it is Delfi and Intan.

In my heart I just say:

Well.. I would like to take a vacation Nona! and this is a moment for me to take a break for a little while :|

But yea… life is goes on bro! keep project stand-on in every situation and condition. (Book of Civil Engineering Attitude Chapter 9 — Gama Syahid, 2023 :D)

All of my friends focus on looking at their case in the baggage post, except me, cause again.. I just bring 2 (two) pcs of backpack. Outside of the airport, we immediately looked for any transportation that could bring us to the hotel. The hotel was located in Bed Rock Hotel, Kuta — Bali.

In the end, we agreed to use a rental car, booking it from one of the online platform services. Inside the rental car, I try to start a conversation with the driver, and this is for the first time I take a conversation with Bali fellas, one sentence could describe them “they are so Friendly”. Keep it up, Bali.

Arrived at Bed Rock Hotel — Bali, soon, I enter the room, took a shower, and use the attire that was scheduled by the event division of the program. In this agenda, I use a Batik T-Shirt combined with black jeans. Go to the hall of the hotel and.. over there.. for the first time I saw the delegates from Singapore and my family of SIYLEP from across provinces of Indonesia. In the hall, our agenda just having dinner, a coffee chat, and a few unofficial remarks by the ministry of youth and sports of the republic of Indonesia.

After waiting for a year, finally, I could see every Singaporean delegate, along with Indonesian delegates.

So, overall, that’s how my departure day in the Singapore-Indonesia Youth Leaders Exchange Programme — second phase (Indonesia phase). Below are some takeaways from me during the program:

Do not come to the airport lately.

Yes, especially when you live in Jakarta. The traffic is badly unmeasurable. Until now, transportation in Jakarta has continuously been under development and improvement. But, for the next couple of years, I optimistically the traffic could be better than now. The sooner, the better.

Seeing the transportation condition in Jakarta, I always decided to visit the airport very early. My flight with the other 6 (six) delegates is at 2.00 PM in Western Indonesian Time. But I just arrived at the airport very early and go to the food court in the corner of the 3rd Terminal of Soekarno-Hatta Airport and enjoying any foods and beverages from the Small Medium Enterprise, besides waiting for the other delegates to come to the airport.

Please use a case Gama, remember bring the case!

The other thing I would like to remind myself and maybe you (if you want), is the importance to bring or use a case during the long trip (up to 3 days, I think better consider to using a case, rather than bringing a backpack, or similar).

Give the best impression when you meet for the first time with anybody.

Yes, I did this (I guess). Mmmh… if not? Ok.

Kindly to the whole member of SIYLEP’21–22, give me further comments.

19 September 2022 (1st day in the program)

19th September 2022, is the 1st day of our program. Before being involved in the program. Earlier in the morning, I walk around with some of Indonesian delegates. We walk and visiting the beach. Burying ourself with the salt of water in the beach, the waves, and the whiffle of air. Suddenly, I felt blessed. There so many goodness that god was given to us. In the beach, many of us discussed many things. Ranging from discussing something that useful to something that not quite useful.

And here we go, below is the schedule of our day:

After finishing my breakfast and also the shower (of course, for Sukha, just remember ya!), I go to the main hall of the hotel to follow the 1st agenda in our program. Remarks and grand opening session by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia. Arrived in the hall, I try to find a better and comfortable place to sit, and found a chair that still empty beside one of the Singaporean delegates, it is Maysarah. Go to the opening session, remarks given by Pak Drs. Wisler Manalu, M.M, assistant deputy of partnership and appreciation of Youth, Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, and from Pak Abri Eko Noerjanto Head of Divison of International Partnership on Youth Affairs. Also remarks from the government of Bali. One takeaway from this session that I still remember now is “the local wisdom should be transformed which affected the state condition of tourism and the youth involvement in terms of policy through proposing solutions”.

Before moving to the launch agenda, the Liaison Officer (LO) ka Dalma and ka Lintang, announcing our buddy during the program later. This is for the 1st time I meet and know, Veronica Law Kai Lin. A smart, wise, and friendly buddy. She served me very well. Nice buddy. After the Indonesian and Singaporean delegates got their buddy during the spinning of the program, the Liaison Officer, Ka Dalma, and ka Lintchang separate both delegates (Indonesia and Singapore) into several groups. My team, the spiderman team consists: me, Veronica (my buddy), Ulfa Sahira (from Aceh, Indonesia), Jeffrey Lee (Singapore), Farrel (Jawa Timur, Indonesia), and Sarah (Singapore). All of them have their own expertise, I respected them very much.

The Spiderman, the Luwak, the Pokemon go, and the Kungfu panda team.

(well, we have so many call group name).

One of the interesting session during online learning sessions is when the topic talks about intercultural learning. I learned so many things about habit, leadership, and personality. The notion point during this webinar learning is to be a straight person, whether in asking, answering, or even facing problems.


Becoming a well-prepared person and representing the name of diversity everywhere.

Yes, all of us here, comes from different background, different culture, and even come from different countries. So, we need to remind that we should become representations of ourselves. Be prepared person, and as proof of diversity in unity.

The local wisdom should be transformed that causing the state condition of tourism.

Most of people around the world are willing to travel. So, tourism sector, in Indonesia also becomes most of the GDP for the government. But, the disruption of technology and disruption of social interaction become the next challenging situation for nature and tourism. The principle to keep nature, the region, and people interaction in a manner way is the answer to fight against the disruption and the revolution of human interaction.

Open-up in discussion, interact with each other, just relax.

This is very important when you meet a new person in your life. You should be brave to talk.

So how about me?

Thanks to Veronica, she treated me very well. That’s why I said that Veronica is best buddy :`)

Become a straight person.

Mmh…, this quote just makes my head up and down simultaneously. Its feels very interesting hahaha. And this session also makes me feel so really blessed. I hope, the next young generation of Indonesia should become straight people. To the point in every opinion, comment, whatever.

The waves may sound reactive, but inside of it, there a calmness that could fill any places, and break the hard things together with time.

Well, now I felt like a bard.

20 September 2022 (2nd day in the program)

This is our schedule for the 2nd day of the program. All of the agenda on this 2nd day is conducted in outdoor, and we use formal attire. How is it looks? Very formal. Both delegates, Indonesia and Singapore using blazers, t-shirt, and trousers. The agenda looks like this:

The first agenda is visiting the government office and meet with the governor or vice-governor of Bali. So, outside of the hotel, many minivan buses were waiting for us. We enter the car, and move from the hotel to the government office. In the government office, we enjoy hors d’oeuvre from the government staff. Some of us take pictures (well, with the surge innovation of technology, we are very engaged in documenting everything in every second. Once again, every.. second! LOL, :D… (You know.., Sometimes I hate cameras, but sometimes I needed it too. Just enjoy it, right).

After waiting for a while, we got information that the vice governor will fulfill the agenda of welcoming the Singapore-Indonesia Youth Leaders Exchange Programme delegates. the vice-governor of Bali, who graduated very close with me, in architecture.. (so excited, damn!). Tell us about the important to sustain mutual friendship between both of countries, and keep communicating with each other, and of course.. do not forget to visit Bali once again, again, again, and again. (oh ya, for you which never visiting Indonesia previously, you also should try visiting some places across Indonesia, for example: Djogjakarta, Lombok, Labuhan Bajo, Bandung?)

just tell me if you need further information. I am with you, just relax. :D

Ok, so after that, we take the photos with the vice governor. And all of the delegates also take a picture. Here is the result:

recollect memories

We continue our formal trip to the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, which has many faculties and is also in the field of engineering. Here in the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, we gathered in the hall of the campus. Very open, and the architecture itself shows the quality and local wisdom of Bali. There are very long sessions here. Starting from remarks from the rector of the university, remarks from the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, remarks from Indonesia and Singapore delegates, and sharing sessions regarding sustainable tourism with a lecturer of Universitas Pendidikan Nasional. Lastly, question and answer with the audience. After the whole program in the hall is done, we take around at the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional. Visiting some of their facilities and amenities. Musholla, Student Court, Laboratory, and Library. One sad moment that I see from this agenda is when the officer in the library saw many of us entering the library using our shoes, which clearly in front of the library there a banner that stated, every visitor should off their shoes. Well, I put off my shoes. For some of us who still use the shoes, I hope in the next moment we could still respect each other. How even his job. Also his/her ethnicity, religion, etc.

After going around in the Universitas Pendidikan Nasional — Bali. We go back to the hotel, and yeaa.. we just planning to go outside the hotel at the night.

(of course.. for Sukha, Ulfa, and Syifa. Keep in mind, I've been taking my shower. And once again, clear yaa? ) :D


Documentation is needed, but sometime we should understand situation and condition

We should respect the indigenous regulations. Respecting their effort to keep clean the places.

Keep communicate with your buddy :D

21 September 2022 (3rd day in the program)

On the 3rd day of the program, overall the activities contained a full discussion with several spokesmen from the Bali Government Tourism Office, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and also preparation for the field study program that will start in tomorrow morning.

The first agenda is an overview of tourism development in Bali by the Bali Government Tourism. During the presentation brought by the Tourism Office of the Bali Government, they’re presenting the way they develop their tourism using the combination of human, nature, and regional needs. Harmonized with each other. Following that, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, presented the youth entrepreneurship policy to all of the audience using an online basis. In this section, I realized how the government of the Republic of Indonesia prepared very well. And maybe, all of us as delegates learnt many things about the way Indonesia develops its tourism and creative economy development.

Furthermore, here we go Mr. Aryo Moedanton :D. A lecturer in my campus presented to us some useful blocks, mind mapping, and other useful tools that will benefit us during our field trip study tomorrow morning. After that, one of the interesting is the task given by Mr. Aryo to all of the groups. They ask the group one by one to prepare the concept that will be brought tomorrow during the field trip to Ubud, Bali. Me and off-course the Spiderman Team, discussing any possibilities that could be executed during the field trip in the Puri Agung-Ubud. We start by collecting any possibilities and correlating questions that will be asked of some people that we meet during the field trip in Ubud. And the activities in the hall were closed by this session. All of us, delegates, back to our room.

After having dinner, suddenly we discuss to make any possible agenda for the night. So, this is actually another part outside the main agenda of the program. Yea.., and we decided to go outside the hotel and visit a place that is quite cozy to have a drink.

There are so many things that come along. How Yunita (delegate from Papua) really excited during her trip using a motorcycle, also with Nurul and Maysarah that try to ride a motorcycle using a motorcycle that they rent. (well, seeing them try to learn to use a motorcycle makes me goosebumps extremely. How can they decide to learn to use a rented motorcycle? How if they fall? And well, maybe I was thinking too much now mmh .-.)

Here also we play some games that make us laugh together. I bring some riddle games like 1). The third-person — game; 2). Traveling World; etc. The impact of this game shown the next morning, every met with Nurul and Maysarah, and both of them always call my name along with phrase:

“Hello Gama.. Don’t forget the third person” :D


All we need just sit together, enjoying everything as simple as a dinner. When you get stuck? Just play some games. And for men? Wherever is it, the schedule when we meet with each other is always the same: asking conditions, ordering something, talking about everything, playing games together, and.. end-up by talking about a crush!

22 September 2022 (4th in the program)

Next, this is the 4th day we follow the program. There several activities we’re doing, but almost all of the activity is outside the hotel or let’s say it’s outdoor activities. Here we go:

We start by visiting Ubud. As I have shared previously that all the groups should collect useful information during the field trip program in Ubud. And the spiderman team will visit Puri Agung. At 07.30 AM, we get into the minivan bus that will bring us to the Puri Agung. Every minivan bus contains 2 different teams. Short story, while we are on the road, the tire of our car is leaking. :D Some of us so panic, some of us laughing, and some of us were just tranquil (its me actually, coz I confuse, about whether to help the driver to fix the tire or talk with the other delegates and think about any solutions for this case (well, now.. you felt right? this is how a diplomat think about trouble :D))

So, approximately 2 hours later, we arrived in Ubud, especially in Puri Agung, which is the place for the spiderman team to take an action in the field study. Before starting, we take some photos together.

After that, we walk every side of the road and asking every merchant/seller in Ubud about their business. Also, we ask some tourists/travelers with bunch of questions we already discussed previously before execute the program. After sampling of data already collected. We decided to back to the meeting point with our guide.

We cross the road and just take a trip to the traditional market of Ubud. Yeah.. this is very nice I think. We’re so excited here hahaha.. buying some traditional stuff, and this is actually the place where I bought something for Veronica. (well, after reading this journal, your question at that time was answered, Vero).

The launch time was on-clock, based on the instruction. We take our way to the house of Cokorda. The house for the Bali emperor. Here, suddenly calmness touch my face after feeling tired during the field trip and any other activities before.

So what next?

Yes.. one of the memorable activities during SIYLEP program in Bali. “Watching Kecak Dance in Uluwatu”.

During the trip to Uluwatu. We talk about many things in the car. Random topics and not necessarily chat with each other actually, but I enjoyed it. Arrived in Uluwatu. Officers in the Uluwatu just reminds us to be careful with any stuff we bring. Before directly watching Kecak, the guide in Uluwatu bring us to the whole area and photo spot here. Extremely very good and nice. We have a lot of photos here. :D

When the sun starts sinking on the beach, the show will start immediately. Kecak dance that will be performed here, is the story of Rama and Shinta.

That’s how the MC of the show was present in front of us which was the seat in the tribute of watcher. And again, “speechless” for this beautiful show. I just can share the photos with all of you, my beloved reader:


Be proactive

Yes, and also this is the lesson learned that I gained from Mr.ADK and Partners. During this activity, I try as much as I can to be proactive. Whether with teammates, tourists, or the merchant.

Wherever you are, just make sure your assignment and any tasks is completely done.

This is actually what I learned from Sukha and Sarah. Both of them are truly meaning of the king in doing any assignments from their campus. Even when we just try to sing a song, they still think about the homework.

What the hack :`)

23 September 2022 (5th day in the program)

On the 5th day of the program, in general, we have scheduled to create reports about field study reports that have been done previously. The day started by discussing with the group, analyzing the field study observation, and presenting the field trip study in front of the audience using an analytical report format.

There are several points that become my highlight during observation day in the Puri Agung. We presented all of our observations and analysis during the field trip in front of all delegates and practitioners that were present in that day. This is the synthesis of my team presentation (spiderman) that could you access for free regarding SME development. Check it out through this QR code:

After the presentation agenda, we have a closing and cultural performance. And this is one of the memorable agendas during the program. I learned so many things, from the senior that give the closing remarks about the program in general view. And the opportunity to watch a cultural performance that delivers by Singaporean delegates. In Indonesia, actually, we have presented our cultural performance in the previous year. You may check the link below this journal to watch our online cultural performance.

But this year, the Indonesian delegates do not want to lose the opportunity. Agus Hairulah (Bangka Belitung), presents traditional martial arts that we called as Pencak Silat also Syifa Fauzia (Sumatera Barat) comes with singing and along with playing games.

Here are some takeaways from me the program:

Work simultaneously using online platform

Discuss just from the table

Focus on the objectiveness or result-oriented.

Well, in Bali, also there mosques for Muslims. Do not worry. An addition, here I invited to join the lunch with the Ustadz and Imam of the mosque. :D

24 September 2022 (6th day in the program)

On the 6th day of the program, honestly, we just have a simple schedule. Breakfast and departure from I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali.

However, on the sixth day, it is also the day when most of us extend in Bali. On this day some of the Indonesian delegates in the SIYLEP program will go to the post-program activity location that we have previously agreed upon, which is to carry out activities in the village of Taro, Gianyar, Bali. We all decided to use a rented motorbike on the way to our destination. Yes.., Rent a motorbike. Exactly at 12.00 am, we left from the hotel and go to Taro Village using motorcycle.

Departing at 12.00 am, of course, some of us (not some, actually) but almost all of us haven’t had lunch yet, so we decided to have lunch together.

At 15.00 am, we continued our journey back. I ask Mas Fay, how far is it to arrive in Taro village? And I am a little surprised, it is still far. I decided in my heart, Taro village should at least be completed before the night comes up. That’s it, and I started driving the red scoopy motorbike as speed as I could, and just a few minutes before the Maghrib, we could arrive safely at Taro Village. The first time I arrived at the village of Taro, I was blown away, and amazed. The vibes of traditional life combined with some modern facilities, such as bathrooms and toilets make this place show the simplicity and natural beauty of Indonesia very well.

Here, after enjoying the appetizer and dinner, the Youth-Eco social expedition activity or program was officially opened. There are several points that I highlight from the opening event.

1). The local people were very happy with our arrival; 2). Respect each other’s manners, and tolerance; 3). Respect the universe

25 September 2022 (7th day in the program)

In the morning, after showering and having breakfast. We gather with each other. Our agenda for the first day was to visit the SDN 01 Taro (1st State Elementary School of Taro). The activity at SDN 01 Taro has focused on educating elementary school children about the importance of protecting the environment and sorting waste according to its category, as well as implementing the 4R concept (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, and ). We create this activity as part of the Youth-Eco Social Expedition series. Post-Program Activity from the Singapore-Indonesia Youth Leaders Exchange Program delegation.

After educating children at SDN 01 Taro, we continued youth education activities about Eco-Enzymes. An activity that focuses on the introduction of eco-enzymes to meet some daily needs. This activity is carried out directly at the campground. Finally, we ended the series of activities by providing insight to the youth of Taro village about Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (Inter-State Youth Exchange) program, giving them enthusiasm for progress and the spirit of change.

Towards dusk, we spent time in one of the places called fireflies village. A place where fireflies appear after the Maghrib call to prayer. Fireflies remind me to my childhood memories when I played in the garden behind my grandfather’s house. Every after-sunset, fireflies appear. Unlike now, all that was left was the sound of crickets.

Toward the evening, we closed the activity by gathering together. Enjoyed dinner and a few words or two to end all the activities.

Thank you, Taro.

After that at 12 o’clock at night, some of us departed from that place. Heading to the hotel and getting ready, this is because some of our colleagues who have to leave soon, including myself, Farrell and Febiola, are the ones who left together for Jakarta on September 27, 2022, at 15.00

26 September 2022.(8th day in the program)

Finally, the loops of travel with the Singapore-Indonesia Youth Leaders Exchange Program is finish. Is there another phase? Well, just wait. But the fact, here we are, the SIYLEP ’21–22 generation.

Thank you for the cooperation, and togetherness in the future.

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Gama Syahid
Gama Syahid

Written by Gama Syahid

Stay inquisitive. — Discovering universe through reading, thinking, expertising engineering, and writing.

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