The Future of Indonesia in The Hands of Youth
A year ago, I was given an opportunity to follow a prestigious program by Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, Singapore-Indonesia Youth Leaders Exchange Programme. Through this program, local wisdom and exalted values of the nation proved as one of the excellence of the republic of Indonesia at world level.

The authentic article took from Indonesian version. Check out through this link here.

Indonesia needs inspirational pioneer youth, that has abilities to contribute to this nation.
Yes, you didn’t read it wrong, at least that is what Deputy of Youth Development, Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. H. M. Asrorun Ni’am Sholeh, MA was said while I following the program in Jakarta.
His statement, firing spirit of 34 Indonesian youths in this program to become the winner at national and world level. For a moment, I feel cool, after a while become excluded in youth movements, student organization, and others.
Not half-hearted, Indonesia fielded the best 34 (thirty-four) youths from 33 provinces in this program. Fantastic and Superb to crashed mentality. All of the decision-makers who were involved in this program put their best attention to the big ideas and creativities of the youth minds.
“.. remember, the big enemy of our nation is our nation citizen, civilization that pixilated by foreign cultures, addicted by religion, compliant to kill our nation, for enforcing the foreign cultures! “
If all of you do not quite understand what those means ( me too)… it is not caused by the mistake of speech by the 1st President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno. But, more cause by we can not catch up the unhidden philosophy from that speech.
Let we continue to youth as part of this program, youth based on UU №40–2009 (Law №40, Year 2009) stated: “…Youth is Indonesian citizen that entering important periods in their growth and development, range between 16–30 years old.” Through this program,
If we connected between the piece of speech of Ir. Soekarno above with responsibility of PPA created by Ministry of Youth and Sports in Youth Exchange Program. Looks like the government expects the youth has proven strong nationalism and abilities to implement the knowledge obtained from the program. In this case, I am a representative of Indonesia in SIYLEP, should contribute with education obtained from Singapore colleagues.
Prototype of this youth program and Post Program Activity previously has been implemented and executed by all of Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia (PCMI) members. Similar programs like Indonesia-Korea Youth Exchange Program, Indonesia-Australia Youth Exchange Program, until the longest duration of program Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange Program, has finished. Oya, I have also done social activities similar to this, you can check it out here.
However, social activities contribution ( maybe) not organized enough, and the development can not be measured accurately, nor the sustainability. PCMI, the alumni organization of Youth Exchange Program, hand in hand with the ministry pivoting strategies of PPA by specifying only one program of PPA across the nation. Collaborating creativities, creation, even small enterprises owned by alumni of program in one big agenda: Post-Program Activity Indonesian Contingent for SIYLEP 2021–2022.
All in one, all-out, Great!

Pre-Departure Training (PDT) series is initiated and organized with high maximum level by Alumni. The urgency of the pre-PDT program by alumni is arranged to prepare SIYLEP-ers 2021 ready to go before the main event held in Jakarta. The climax of this pre-PDT program is the pitching battle of PPA involving Alumni and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of R.I.
A fact perhaps that has been forgotten by all of us: Indonesia which is distinguished by local wisdom and exalted values of the nation could be a great opportunity to show up the wealth of Indonesia at world level, and Karyadesa comes with services to showing up the wealth of Nusantara heritage.
“Karyadesa is an ecosystem startup that establish to align the development of tourism, social contribution, and creative economic covering Indonesian citizenship”, I said as founder of Karyadesa, after being selected as Post-Program Activity Contingent.
I see the future of Indonesia’s nation shown by the local wisdom and exalted values of the nation. Which needs, mental-revolution in every stage of the society to achieve it.
But, once again, Karyadesa is in the lowest condition than its maximum development. Me, as founder and in touch with the development, implying that we need strong synergy with youth and spirit of collaboration in all elements of society. So the concept of Village Tourism, Village Homestay, and Creative economics become mainstream.
Wait, wait, which local wisdom and exalted values do you mean?
What is the meaning of the local wisdom of the nation?
Is there local wisdom and exalted values as you said before?
Local wisdom of Lombok? Maluku? Papua? Jawa? Surabaya? Tomohon? Palembang?
Is local wisdom like those you mean?
Mmmhh.. question like this sounds like tingling :’)
These questions did not lead to improvement, and they could be asked by people who do not want Indonesia to become better than before, especially in the contribution of youth and wealth of Indonesia. Contra-Revolution questions.
You can try to googling with keyword local wisdom of Indonesia. One of them, I quote from Kemendikbud site:
“ Exalted Values basically values that has abilities to shape personal, moral, and ethic, so in the implementation reflecting attitude values. Exalted values contained into the faith of The One Almighty God is religious values, moral values, aesthetic values, etc.”
Or in UUD 1945, national cultures are the pinnacle of regional cultures.
See, while Karyadesa in embryo progress in that time, NYC and Ministry cohere to determine the theme of SIYLEP 2021–2022 program become Climate Change. Local Wisdom combined with climate change, means the preservation of cultures for decades, for the next generation of human mankind.
Perfect, and must be what the nation needs.
As long as following the program, I feel blessed. Meet with friends across all provinces of Indonesia become real (to be honest, I just wrote this dream in my small journal before :’) ). They bring their own uniqueness which I called local wisdom previously. Discussing important things, no more talks about ex-lover, crush, girlfriend, or gaming as what I have done before in other hang-out places.

When meeting with Singapore delegates-too same, they come with their uniqueness too. There a friend gets into his room but in fact not his room ( What the funny moment :’) ), vlogging around his apart and some mass places, etc.

One thing I realized was not to good as following the event.. we are not confident in front of them.
We think they are great too much, on the other side, Indonesia is also greater than them.
They are cool? We more
They are a developed country? Yes, we too, but on the way..
So, how we can better and become developed country as well?
we are still taking care of ourselves, no support mind between others, whereas when one friend is in front, I’m sure, they too will definitely pull us forward, not leave us.
If you still do not believe it, do you more preferable to believe someone with different nationality?
Look how they clasping hands and support each other under the same nationality. As far as I knew, the reason of developed countries always walk forward time to time because of support on each other. Government to the citizen, government to the private sector, citizen to citizen, together think about the nation.
Then we? As one nationality, we are killing with each other. This fact perhaps will make sad our founding fathers.
If we ask what kind of usefulness for us? If we were still egoistic, and just thinking about ourself? What’s good for me? Looks like this is more profitable for your side, right? My life is difficult, now adding help to solve your life’s problems?
It’s fair, hurt, suffering, or even chaos, each of us has it. But we need a philosophy to be able to return us to the togetherness outline of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Because in this situation, we are talking about NKRI and its benefits for the Indonesian people, and that philosophy has been crystallized in Pancasila itself.

“..Perjuanganku lebih mudah karena mengusir penjajah, tapi perjuanganmu akan lebih sulit karena melawan bangsamu sendiri, “ said Ir. Soekarno, as many of us already knew.

The authentic article took from Indonesian version. Check out through this link here.
Originally published at