[English] Redwoods Bridge — Road and Bridge Day

This journal accomplishes with bridge design that author has accomplished with PT.GPN and Engineering Space. Proposed to commemorate the PUPR Bina Marga Road and Bridge Day.
Background and philosophy of the Bridge

The Redwoods Bridge is a bridge proposed by combining the concept of a suspension bridge and a bridge design that uses local materials belonging to Indonesia’s wealth. The purpose of planning this bridge design is to test local cultural wisdom so that it can become a beautiful masterpiece that Indonesian engineers in particular and Indonesian society in general can be proud of on the national and global level.
The suspension bridge, as we all know, is a bridge that has been known for decades to hundreds of years. This type of bridge, in addition to having a long history, also has its own advantages, namely evidence of the achievements of previous engineers. The suspension bridge is a form of finding innovative solutions centuries ago to connect two separated places, either by river, sea, or the like. Subsequently, the design of the redwoods bridge is also designed using sustainable materials and green materials when later included in the bridge construction process. The high level of global warming and also the use of unsustainable materials in the civil construction sector are the main reasons for the design of this bridge, so that it is not only beautiful in terms of design but also provides benefits in its existence for people in Indonesia, and gives a new colour by taking advantage of Indonesia’s natural gifts. Thus, the redwoods bridge is actually a bridge that is presented focusing on creating suspension bridge masterpieces that are environmentally friendly and affordable to create.
Application of Indonesian Cultural Heritage and Local Wisdom

The Redwoods Bridge, is a bridge that has a very high level of local wisdom. It is due to the fact that the Redwoods bridge is a bridge whose overall structural and architectural elements (almost 90%) use natural-based or environmentally friendly materials. All of these materials are also taken and can be easily obtained in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. It is a land with abundant wealth of natural gifts. The climate is tropical and has a wide range of biological and animal diversity. The Redwoods Bridge, almost 100% (one hundred percent) of all the materials can be owned at the village level, so that it can make it easier later in the construction process.

The Redwoods Bridge is designed to be rebuilt in many places, particularly in Inodonesia. This bridge can be used to cross rivers, oceans, or two separate places with a span of 100–150 meters. The planning design submitted to the proposal for lively activities commemorating the PUPR Bina Marga Road and Bridge Day is accompanied withthe results of the initial phase of architectural and structural design, in order to meet the requirements for submitting a proposal.
Reasons to Build
With the high rate of global warming, it is a strong reason for planning this redwoods bridge to be presented. It is a bridge design that seeks to be proactive in using Indonesia’s local wealth and wisdom.

Along with said matter, the design of the redwoods bridge is also adapted to the natural conditions of Indonesia (in which this bridge will be built in the future). The use of natural materials has become a kind of top priority as determined since the early stages of planning this bridge. The following are some aspects of local cultural wisdom planned in the bridge design:
- Bamboo
- Teak wood
- Mahogany
Explanation of technical drawings (colour, dimensions, bridge material, etc.)
Design selection

The Redwoods Bridge uses a suspension bridge. This bridge is presented because it is in accordance with the natural conditions of Indonesia, which has a tropical climate and is also relatively cheap compared to the construction of other types of bridges. The Redwoods Bridge carrying the concept of a suspension bridge causes this bridge to have two main towers that can be built on both sides of different places to be connected. The Redwoods Bridge is also a bridge that is planned to have a high level of resistance to various kinds of loads, particularly earthquake, air, rain and other extreme weather loads that are relatively common in Indonesia.
