#3 Project-Based Learning: Student for the Earth

Project Overview
This activity requires collaboration between young generation and students in senior high school. The youth has role to become supervisor for all of the students which involved in this program activity. The youth require to split all of students into some groups and all of them require to guide all of students to fulfill all of the tasks as explained above.
The aim of this activity or project is to develop business acumen for young generation, with respectively the earth. There are so many options for doing business. And, we can not set-up a person to become a businessman. But the acumen in business has many impacts on daily life. For example, we could understand how to manage the finances, separate the budget, and further, understand the small concept of logistics and distribution.
What will students do?
· Foster the plant which was planted by the kindergarten child.
· Monitoring the collected dry leaves and the cow manure.
· Processing the compost in the Earth Guardian Post (the EG Post).
· Distribute the compost.
· Creating their dairy journal for next 7/14/30 days.
· Report to the supervisors about their works.
How will students present their project? (Present day)
· Presenting their activities with their teammates.
· Vote for the Rotational rescue guardian team.
· Inclusivity for the earth.
· Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
· Sustainable Development Goals 2030
· Develop student character building in terms of doing simple research and reporting.
· Understand the process of making compost
· The mindset of: #FEFE (From Earth For Earth)
Task 1 — Mixing the collected dry leaves with collected cow manure
Project requirements:
· Earth guardian post
· Gloves
· Gauging towel
· Mask
· The storage box provided in the earth guardian post (code number: #3–1)
· Storage cover (code number: #3–2)
Task(s) should the student complete:
Ask the student to visit the guardian earth post. After that, the student should use gloves in the storage box and hold the gauging towel. Soon, the student should escort the box containing dry leaves to the outside of the EG post. (the previous team collected it in the box with code number: #2–1). After that, do not forget to escort another box with code number: #2–2 in the area with code #2-AR-1.
Right now, the student should mix the collected dry leaves and the cow manure. Mix gradually using gauging towel, and put it on the box with code #3–1. Following the whole box was filled, use your gauging towel as a tool to mix it properly.
(You may consider using a hoe and/or shovel so you could speed up your works. Please be careful. Do not hesitate to ask your supervisor if you need further guidance).
Lastly, put properly your next eco-fertilizer/compost in the EG Post with area codes: #2-AR-3 AND #2-AR-4.
Before you end-up this task, do not forget to put a tag on your eco-fertilizer candidate with specific codes, so it will be easier for you to do an analysis later.
Task 2 — Acumen in business: creating farmers database
Project requirements:
· Printout maps of your current post and important information
· Data of farmers
· Communication and Diplomatic tools (code number: #3–3)
Task(s) should the student complete:
The objective of this task is to encourage students in terms of collecting data and doing analysis with simple case studies.
So, in this session, the student required to reading the maps that informed the place of farmers in the surrounding of the EG Post. The student requires to visit this farmer and communicate with them by asking some questions, it is:
· How much fertilizer the farmer needs in weekly and monthly?
· Where do they buy the fertilizer?
· Is the farmer understand the disadvantages of using chemical fertilizer for the soil?
Another task, the student also requires to engage the farmer the advantages of using eco-fertilizer which was produced in the EG Post by the student and their teammates.
After visiting all of the farmers in the surrounding area of EG Post. The student should start filtering the farmer that has willingness to admit the eco-fertilizer.
Task 3 — Distribute the compost to the farmer with the whole team
Project requirements:
· Wheel barrow
· List of buyer
· Receipt
· Cashflow statement
Task(s) should the student complete:
This is the final step in the whole process of work. After approximately 8–10 days, the eco-fertilizer was ready to use. The micro microbes were performed their works.
The student requires to take the journal and bring the list of farmers which interested to admit the fertilizer. Next, the student should carry the eco-fertilizer and start to distribute it to the farmer.
Lastly, after the completion of distributing the eco-fertilizer. The student should learn about creating financial statements for the sustainability (including maintenance) of the Earth Guardian Post, and the Guardian spirit to save the world.
#FEFE (From Earth For Earth)
In the end of the program, the student require to create finance statement and finance report that has been done after distributing the compost. Also, collecting notes and important documentations during the implementation of the project. Lastly, after the whole process and tasks was reviewed, all of student and supervisor’s work, should be documented in the big frame photos-portfolios.
Outline the steps/plan for your project:
After the students complete all tasks, distribution process, and reports. The student is projected to understand the whole process of composting, distributing, sustaining business, and their awareness to save the world with the concept of #FEFE (From Earth For Earth). Here is the highlight of the whole process in an advanced– project-based learning curriculum:
1. Encourage them to fostering the plant which was planted by the previous team (sustainability).
2. Creating compost as eco-fertilizer and part of #FEFE (From Earth For Earth)
3. Distributing the compost to increase the marketing process
4. Reporting cashflow gained by the process of business in eco-fertilizer produce in The Earth Guardian Post.
This is the end of the whole process to become the guardian of the earth. Series created by Gama Syahid, for the guardian of the earth.
Teacher initials ____________
Some important link you may consider to successfully your project:
- Daily report template: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uH5AV1JmPb0U1voDInOD4N7Hy-MMtCri?usp=sharing
- Social activity project example: https://instagram.com/yespedition
- Design of the Earth Guardian Post: Permanent | Temporary